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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Acer Iconia Tab Linux Driver

There is no need to install any driver to browse/manage/control your Acer Iconia Tab from you laptop/desktop PC running Ubuntu (or any other Linux distribution, probably).
You only need to follow the instructions here to install and configure the latest Android SDK and here to let Android SDK know the rules needed to measure with your tablet.

That's it. See you next time.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Adding REAL Firefox to Debian Lenny

it's a copy of original post:

Adding REAL Firefox to Debian Lenny

December 26, 2008
I realize it’s a touchy subject, but some of us prefer unmodified Firefox — including the standard Firefox icon — to Debian’s Iceweasel alternative. Here’s a three-step way to substitute Firefox for Iceweasel on a fresh Lenny install.

This procedure assumes you’ve downloaded and installed the latest Debian Lenny (aka “testing,” currently) GNU/Linux distribution, along with its standard GNOME desktop environment.
  • Using Iceweasel for the last time, download Firefox to your home directory. Let’s assume the name of the file you downloaded is “firefox-3.0.5.tar.bz2″ (the current version as of this writing).
  • Open up a terminal window and, as root, type the following commands (following each by hitting Enter):
      apt-get remove iceweasel mv firefox-3.0.5.tar.bz2 /usr/lib/ cd /usr/lib/ tar -jxvf firefox-3.0.5.tar.bz2 ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
    If you prefer, you can simplify the above commands by copying/pasting the following text onto your terminal command line:
      apt-get remove iceweasel; mv firefox-3.0.5.tar.bz2 /usr/lib/; cd /usr/lib/; tar -jxvf firefox-3.0.5.tar.bz2; ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
  • Finally, you’ll need a launch icon on your desktop. You can create that the standard way GNOME allows, or simply save this file to your GNOME desktop.
That’s all there is to it!
Well, one other point. To make use of browser plugins that have already been set up by your Debian installation, you’ll want to create a symlink from /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/, using this two-part command (as root):
    rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox/plugins; ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/firefox/plugins
Incidentally, on my installation, the default flash plugin that came with Lenny (flash-mozilla.so) required me to click a large play button (shown at right) each time I visited a web page that used flash. So, I went to Adobe’s flash plugin download page and downloaded the flash plugin for debian, then installed it with the command “dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb” (as root). That plugin (flashplugin-alternative.so) works much better.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Driver for Canon Pixma MP280 printer-scanner

The driver is officially released by Canon
Printer driver: http://support-in.canon-asia.com/con...100301402.html
Extract the archive and find the .deb packages in the extracted folder... install the deb file that has "common" word in the name first, then the mp280 deb file.
Similarly download and install the scanner package: http://support-in.canon-asia.com/con...100302702.html
The same concept.
Download the scanner instructions from here: http://support-in.canon-asia.com/con...300410501.html
Solution of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1582497 by dhayfule.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Converting MP3s to M4B audiobooks, and M4B to MP3

Here’s how to convert M4B audiobooks (used by Apple iPod) to MP3, and how to create an M4B from one or more MP3s.
The easy bit first: M4B to MP3
For a single file:
ffmpeg -i -acodec libmp3lame -ar 22050
For a bunch of M4B files:
for m4b in $(ls -1 *.m4b); do ffmpeg -i $m4b -acodec libmp3lame -ar 22050 ${m4b}.mp3; done

The more involved bit is to create an M4B audiobook from a bunch of MP3 files, so I have an automated script.
First thing is to ensure all the MP3 files you want to include in ONE M4B have sequentially numbered names:
or, if you want to create the M4B from more than 100 M4B files:
Copy and save the script below to the file create_audiobook and make it executable:
chmod 755 create_audiobook
For each M4B audiobook optionally set the tags using environmental variables:
export AUTHOR="The Author"
export TITLE="Some Book"
export YEAR="2007"

Make sure you’ve got plenty of free space on the mount point the source files are on. If you need to have the HUGE temporary files put on another mount point with plenty of space (Allow for more than 3GB of free space) then set the TMP environmental variable to point to a location that has plenty of space and allows users to create/delete files:
export TMP=/tmp
By default, TMP is set to the current directory if not specified like this.
Now run the script, passing the output filename and the input file mask. Here’s two possible usages:
create_audiobook "Terry Pratchett - Colour of Magic" "Terry Pratchett - Colour of Magic - *.mp3"
create_audiobook "Terry Pratchett - Colour of Magic" *.mp3
Note the quotes around the two parameters that allows spaces in filenames.
# create ipPod audiobook from group of sequentially named MP3 files
# Set environmental variables for track ID3 tags
# usage: create_audiobook
# Pass output filename on command-line with no extension, and use quotes if there are spaces in filenames
# e.g. create_audiobook "Terry Pratchett - Colour of Magic" *.mp3
# e.g. create_audiobook "Terry Pratchett - Colour of Magic" "Terry Pratchett - Colour of Magic - *.mp3"

if [ "x$TMP" == "x" ]; then
echo “Args: $@”
echo “Author: $AUTHOR”
echo “Title : $TITLE”
if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
if [ "x$2" != "x" ]; then
echo “Output: $filename”
filelist=”$(echo “$2″ | sed -e ‘s/ /\\ /g’)”
echo “Filelist : $filelist”
echo “Writing HUGE temporary files to $TMP”
# Use a sub-shell to preserve spaces in filenames passed to mp3wrap
sh -c “mp3wrap -v \”${TMP}/${filename}\” ${filelist}”
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao “pcm:nowaveheader:fast:file=${TMP}/${filename}.pcm” “${TMP}/${filename}_MP3WRAP.mp3″ 2>&1 | tee ${TMP}/create_audiobook_mp.log
# example from log
# AO: [alsa] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
AUDIO=”$(egrep ‘AO:’ ${TMP}/create_audiobook_mp.log)”
echo “Audio Format: $AUDIO”
RATE=$(expr “$AUDIO” : ‘AO: .* \(.*\)Hz.*’)
CHANS=$(expr “$AUDIO” : ‘AO: .* .*Hz \(.*\)ch.*’)
SAMPLESIZE=$(expr “$AUDIO” : ‘AO: .* .*Hz .*ch s\([0-9]\+\).. .*’)
echo “ENCODING: $RATE Hz, $CHANS channels, $SAMPLESIZE bit sample size”
/usr/bin/faac -R $RATE -B $SAMPLESIZE -C $CHANS -X -w -q 80 –artist “$AUTHOR” –album “$TITLE” –title “$TITLE” –track “1″ –genre “Spoken Word” –year “$YEAR” -o “${filename}.m4b” “${TMP}/${filename}.pcm”
rm -f “${TMP}/${filename}.pcm”
rm -f “${TMP}/${filename}_MP3WRAP.mp3″
rm -f “${TMP}/create_audiobook_mp.log”
echo -e “\n\nCreated ${filename}.m4b”

Article is token from http://intuitivenipple.net/10/converting-mp3s-to-m4b-audiobooks-and-m4b-to-mp3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Musea in de 21ste eeuw. Ideeën Projecten Gebouwen

Datum 29/01/2011 – 30/04/2011
Vanaf 29 januari tot en met 30 april kunnen jullie de lege zalen van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen doorlopen.
Maar waarvoor!? Lege zalen. Ze zijn toch met de renovatiewerken bezig, dacht ik.
Maar het blijkt dat de echte renovatiewerken pas in mei zullen beginnen. En in het einde van 2014 zal het museum de deuren weer open doen met een grote tentoonstelling over de invloed van Rubens op de Europese schilderkunst.
Vandaag staat het museum ook niet stil en houdt een tentoonstelling over musea gebouwen.
Musea zijn brandend actueel.
Mensen richten zichzelf tot kunst. Ze weerspiegelen het verleden, heden en toekomst. En uiteraard doet het iedereen op zijn eigen manier.
Schilders – schilderen. Dichters – dichten. En architecten – bouwen.
Denk maar aan het Parijse Centre Pompidou van 1977.
De expo toont prominente en toekomstgerichte bouwprojecten uit het voorbije decennium. Het gaat om projecten die in Europa, Noord-Amerika, Azië en Australië gepland, in uitvoering of voltooid zijn. Vier thema's staan centraal: renovatie en nieuwbouw; de uitbreiding van bestaande musea; museumarchitectuur in het weefsel van de stad en musea in de natuur.
Je kan ontwerpen bewonderen van internationaal gerenommeerde architecten als Tadao Ando of Jean Nouvel.
Ook de twee Antwerpse projecten, het Museum aan de Stroom(MAS) van Neutelings Riedijk Architecten en het KMSKA van Claus en Kaan Architecten Rotterdam komen aan bod.
Het gloednieuwe Museum aan de Stroom opent op datzelfde moment wanneer het KMSKA sluit de deuren dicht voor een ingrijpende renovatie en uitbreiding die enkele jaren zal duren.
Antwerpen staat niet stil. Laten we eens kijken wat er nog gezien kan worden.

Get .ppt and .doc files about this topic here.